Cohousing NZ - Properties Available;
enKotare Village
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Hawkes Bay </div>
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<p>Kotare Village is a self-reliant, permaculture-focussed, eco-village on rural site in rural Northern Hawke's Bay.</p>
<p>Building on the current nucleus the Village it so eventually accomodate 30 families, along with the Koanga Institute's <em>Centre for Regenerative Living</em>. The community is looking to expand membership for people who want to support the shared goal a regenerative, permaculture focused future through "independent village living, local economies and co-evolution".</p>
<p><img alt="" class="image-flexslider_full" height="500" src="/sites/default/files/styles/flexslider_full/public/images/pioneers_group_-_kotare.jpg?itok=yUjIZQS4" width="800" />Kotare’s shared cultural life includes meals, facilitated meetings, gardening, cooperative business, conflict resolution, song, parties, theater, child care, building projects, and community work days.</p>
<p>A unique leasehold arrangement allows residents to lease land for for 34 years, renewable. Members are responsible for own dwellings, to be based on a community driven <a href="">generic design</a>.</p>
<p>The community is developing a range of shared <em>services:</em> childcare, a workshop, organic food storage and processing, vehicle fleet for hire, building equipment, telecoms, power generation etc.</p>
<p>Looking more outward, Kotare will make use of in-house permaculture skills, resources and marketing to create <em>co-operative business opportunities</em> for members.</p>
<p>The community has a systematized <a href="">induction process for those interested in joining</a>, and options include donor, settler or investor.</p>
<p>Visit <a href="">The Kotare Website</a>.</p>
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<a href="/communities/status-5">Site Acquired</a> </div>
<div class="field-taxonomy-vocabulary-9">
<a href="/availability">Open to New Members</a> </div>
<div class="field-taxonomy-vocabulary-9">
<a href="/availability-0">Properties Available;</a> </div>
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Content Image </h3>
<img src="" width="2500" height="2270" alt="" />Sun, 14 Feb 2016 12:33:39 +0000Developer802 at