Cohousing NZ - Site Search en NelsonNZ <div class="field-location"> Nelson </div> <img src="" width="750" height="464" alt="Nelson NZ Cohousing" title="Nelson NZ" /> <article class="field-body"> <p>NelsonNZ Cohousing  is off to a strong start.  Already established is a board, a large mailing list of interested parties, and committees for the various practical community building tasks. They see these steps as fundamental to the community building process which will carry them through the planning and building stages of the project.</p> <p>One of NelsonNZ Cohousing’s first jobs is to clearly define their land needs based on their vision, to guide them in choosing suitable land. Nelson is a densely populated city, physically constrained by steep hills and the sea, so ideal land within the city is very scarce - and expensive. This urban area is practical for a cluster of small, affordable homes with some shared facilities in their initiative.</p> <p>At this stage, NelsonNZ Cohousing envisage the customary common house and <span class="pullquote">shared facilities include craft rooms, workshops, and facilities for children </span>in the project. Gardens are high on the priority list, but being an urban community, they will be on a small scale. The community is more likely to establish strong relationships with the many organic producers and local food markets in the Nelson region.</p> <p>Resident-owned businesses and energy self-sufficiency as far as possible, are already being considered. As an urban community, transport needs will be minimal.</p> <p>NelsonNZ Cohousing feel fortunate to be able to draw from the experience of other cohousing projects. They feel that the time is right for broad adoption of cohousing formats, considering the need for genuinely affordable housing around the country.</p> </article> <div class="field-taxonomy-vocabulary-15"> <a href="/communities/status-6">Concept</a> </div> <div class="field-taxonomy-vocabulary-15"> <a href="/communities/status">Expression of Interest</a> </div> <div class="field-taxonomy-vocabulary-15"> <a href="/communities/status-3">Site Search</a> </div> <h3 class="field-label"> Group </h3> <div class="field-group-group"> <a href="/user/login?destination=group/node/823/subscribe/og_user_node">Request group membership</a> </div> <h3 class="field-label"> Micro Summary </h3> NelsonNZ Cohousing has a strong organisation in place for their affordable, collaborative housing initiative. Tue, 11 Jul 2017 15:45:05 +0000 Tim Gummer 823 at New Plymouth City <div class="field-location"> Taranaki </div> <img src="" width="750" height="464" alt="" /> <article class="field-body"> <p>This group formed after several members attended Robin Allison's weekend cohousing workshop in mid-October in New Plymouth. </p> <p>The group consists of 8-10 families and individuals who are keen to create a cohousing community in New Plymouth that is within walking/biking distance to the CBD.  Several members of the group recently attended the quarterly tour at Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood in Auckland.</p> <p>The group has been moving on to agreeing on a vision statement, communication agreements, membership criteria, meeting procedures and decision making.</p> </article> <div class="field-taxonomy-vocabulary-15"> <a href="/communities/status">Expression of Interest</a> </div> <div class="field-taxonomy-vocabulary-15"> <a href="/communities/status-3">Site Search</a> </div> <div class="field-taxonomy-vocabulary-9"> <a href="/availability">Open to New Members</a> </div> Tue, 01 Dec 2015 01:31:58 +0000 Developer 795 at Viva <div class="field-location"> Christchurch </div> <img src="" width="750" height="464" alt="Courtyard Concept - Jasmax" title="Courtyard Concept - Jasmax" /> <article class="field-body"> <p>Viva numbers over 400, passionate about building a sustainable urban community in Christchurch, including building, design and sustainability professionals, academics, local body officials, investors, and creative and committed people from a variety of backgrounds.</p> <p>The Viva Project was kickstarted with an integrated design workshop held at CPIT in 2012, attended by over 130, resulting in the creation of a series of detailed models for the proposed sustainable urban village.</p> <p>Since then Viva has held workshops and regular meetings to continue to engage Christchurch people with the challenge of rebuilding their city sustainably via a cohousing paradigm.</p> <p>Even with the extra opportunities afforded by a city that is rebuilding, obtaining a site capable of housing such a substantial community has been a challenge.</p> <p>However the group is now moving beyond community building, and is currently doing due diligence on a site, while considering other options.</p> <p><a href="">Visit the Viva Website</a>.</p> <p><small>PICTURE: Design concept by JASMAX for Christchurch Breathe Competition</small></p> </article> <div class="field-taxonomy-vocabulary-15"> <a href="/communities/status-3">Site Search</a> </div> <div class="field-taxonomy-vocabulary-9"> <a href="/availability">Open to New Members</a> </div> <h3 class="field-label"> Micro Summary </h3> Viva includes 400 people capitalising on opportunities within Christchurch’s rebuilding to develop a sizeable coho presence, currently at site acquisition phase. Mon, 30 Nov 2015 22:16:42 +0000 Developer 790 at